COVID-19: Navigating the pandemic

When COVID-19 emerged in early 2020, the Academy responded to the need for independent, expert advice to assist Australia in tackling the pandemic

We work with our Fellows to monitor and respond to the rapidly-evolving outbreak. AAHMS has been working with governments, the Chief Medical Officer, Chief Health Officers, Australia’s Chief Scientist, and other key individuals and organisations as they work to manage Australia’s response to the pandemic.

Throughout the pandemic, our Fellows have shared expert advice and engaged with government, policymakers and the public to guide conversations about issues related to COVID-19.

Long COVID and repeated COVID infections

In November 2022, AAHMS provided a joint submission with the Australian Academy of Science to the House of Representative’s Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections.

The response addressed the inquiry’s terms of reference that related to research, innovation and evidence-based care, and was developed based on input from Fellows from both Academies and other experts.

In this evolving pandemic, a national coordinated effort to collect and utilise appropriate data relating to long COVID and repeated infections is necessary to build a more complete picture of the prevalence and associated impacts in Australia. Read more about our submission on our policy page.

COVID-19 Expert Committee

Established in 2020, our COVID-19 Expert Committee brings together interdisciplinary expertise from the Academy’s Fellowship. The Committee has provided an independent and authoritative voice as the pandemic has progressed in Australia, and as we consider preparedness for future infectious disease challenges.

Work of the Committee has included:

Further information about the Academy’s COVID-19 work during 2020-2021 is available on the AAHMS COVID-19 Information Hub.

Rapid Research Information Forum

AAHMS worked as part of the Rapid Research Information Forum (RRIF), a group chaired by Australia’s Chief Scientist.

This expert forum provided a mechanism through which the government received scientific input and analysis of the latest evidence on pressing questions regarding  SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, as they emerged.

The Academy led and contributed to 13 responses during 2020 as part of this forum.

Find out more about the work AAHMS contributed to the forum on our RRIF page.

Expert Committee members

AAHMS contact: Dr Ruby Guyatt, Policy Manager, [email protected] 

Learn more today

If you would like to learn more about our past, current and active policy work, please contact AAHMS Policy Manager Ruby Guyatt.  

To contribute to our healthcare policy projects, involvement and endeavours, please consider making a donation to the AAHMS.

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