Mentorship for emerging research leaders

The Academy provides one-on-one mentoring for outstanding mid-career researchers in the health and medical sciences.

Our mentors are Fellows of the Academy – senior researchers and leaders in the sector. They are passionate about supporting the next generation of research leaders by providing expert, professional and independent advice.

How the mentorship program can help you

Through the program, mentors provide our mentees with tailored advice on everything from career development to succession planning, leadership advancement and work-life balance.

As a mentee in the program, you will become an associate member of the Academy, providing access to support from your mentors and the broader Academy, and the opportunity to participate in Academy policy and advocacy activities to advance the health and wellbeing of the wider community.

We’re supporting and nurturing the research leaders of tomorrow.

About the program

Our three-year mentorship program pairs emerging health and medical research leaders with Fellows of the Academy. By supporting their career development and leadership capabilities, our mentors provide invaluable advice and assistance to their mentees.

This mentorship program is complementary with existing mentorships as part of research institutions. It is aimed at assisting research associate professors or junior professors in navigating their career towards higher levels of leadership and positions.

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“It has truly been life-changing and if I think back to where I was three years ago and where I am today; it is a period of enormous personal and professional growth, which I attribute in large part to this program.”

– Mentorship program alumnus

Associate Members of the Academy

Mentees become Associate Members of AAHMS during their mentorship. This means our mentees are engaged and participate in the activities of the Academy, such as influencing policy.

Mentees will, as Associate Members of the Academy, receive invitations to AAHMS state and national events and will have opportunities to contribute to position papers and reports.

Annual Mentorship Workshop

Associate Members provide an important and valued perspective alongside our Fellows. The Annual Mentorship Workshop, hosted by the Academy and in conjunction with the annual meeting, provides the opportunity for mentors and mentees to participate in group sessions. These sessions work to promote the mentee’s training and further develop the mentorship program as a holistic career offering.

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How to apply


Prospective mentees are asked to apply through our online application portal. To initiate an application, please email [email protected]. with your name, email address and institution. We will then set you up on the application portal so that you can submit your application.

Applications are accepted throughout the year, but are only reviewed once per year, in line with the deadlines set out below.

Mentees come from many different disciplines, from basic biomedical through to clinical research and related disciplines including the humanities and social sciences.

Applicants for the program are expected to:
  • Be well advanced in the development of their career and will clearly demonstrate their credentials as a leader who is establishing or has established their research independence; they will have a clear trajectory as an international achiever in health and medical research.

  • Have gained national or international awards, competitive grants, or achieved academic excellence, and have evidence of leadership.

  • Have a strong track record including first author papers and grants, and will have supervised PhD students.

  • Be at Level D or early Level E academic appointments.

Key dates

Submission deadline

31 March annually

Applicants informed

July each year

Understanding the selection criteria and process

The selection process for the Academy’s mentorship program is competitive and reflects the high standard required from proposed mentees. Selection is based on a high measure of the following criteria:

  • Performance in the respective field
  • Achievement in research
  • Demonstrated commitment to research and leadership


Successful individuals admitted to the Academy’s mentorship program will be well advanced in their career development. They will have a demonstrative upward career trajectory towards being an independent leader of a research program and an international achiever in health and medical science research.


Mentees, once successful in their selection, are responsible for making arrangements with their mentors independently.


Mentors are drawn from across the Fellowship of the Academy according to the expertise, interests, and needs of the individual mentees. With an agreement to meet with mentees up to four times per year, mentors give of their time and advice generously.

Mentors actively encourage their mentees to take a broader view of their respective career paths. This involves:

  • Viewing research and other roles in the context of the health status of the population and the healthy policy context
  • Identifying collaborative and multi-disciplinary opportunities
  • Challenging the mentees’ past and present thinking


Fellows who would like to know more about the program, or would like to participate in the mentorship program, can email a completed expression of interest form to [email protected].


Diversity and inclusion policy

The Academy is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in health and medical sciences. In evaluating mentorship applications, we recognise the diversity of education and pathways to leadership.

This is in line with our Diversity and inclusion policy.

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