Submission to Measuring What Matters consultation
In January 2023, AAHMS submitted a response to the Australian Treasury’s consultation, Measuring what matters, which will consider and monitor a range of factors that contribute to Australia’s progress and wellbeing. Health is a fundamental component of a population’s quality of life and productivity. It should therefore be included as an essential component when measuring the progress and wellbeing of a nation.
2023-24 Pre-Budget submission
In January 2023, AAHMS responded to a call for submissions on priorities for the Federal Budget 2023-24. The Academy outlined a number of priorities for existing health spending, as well as investment in research and innovation for the future.
Joint submission to NHMRC ART Guidelines review
In December 2022, the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences provided a joint submission with the Australian Academy of Science to the NHMRC Australian Health Ethics Committee’s limited review of the Ethical guidelines on the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology in clinical practice and research (ART Guidelines).
Submission to the ARC review consultation
In December 2022, the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences provided a submission to the Department of Education’s review of the Australian Research Council (ARC). The ARC plays an important role in Australian research and this consultation is part of an ongoing, independent review into the ARC to develop legislation to provide clarity on objectives and processes within the organisation to meet current and future needs.
Submission to the Treasury’s Employment White Paper consultation
In November 2022, the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences provided a submission to the Australian Government Treasury’s Employment White Paper consultation outlining key workforce issues in health and medical research.
Submission to Australian Government inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections
In November 2022, The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences provided a joint submission with the Australian Academy of Sceince to the House of Representative’s Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID infections.