The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences has welcomed the Government’s commitment to improving higher education through its Australian Universities Accord Final Report.
The report, released today (25 February), provides an overall vision to reform higher education, focusing on a high-quality and equitable system that helps priority populations thrive within the sector.
Academy President Professor Louise Baur AM said the Academy had been pleased to contribute to the report through consultation responses and engagement with the Accord Panel last year.
“We welcome the Government’s ambition to improve higher education, and the report published today. We appreciated the opportunity to contribute using the Academy’s expertise on key areas such as health and medical sciences,” Professor Baur said.
“The Report recognises that Australian research and innovation are world class and the important role that universities play in these endeavours. It makes several recommendations including the need for a strategic review of national research funding to ensure we remain globally competitive and reap the associated economic benefits.
“We welcome these conclusions and recommendations. To retain competitiveness, Australia needs a comprehensive research and innovation strategy, including a long-term stable funding commitment.
“We urge the Government to move forward with the actions identified in relation to research and innovation, including the recommended review, as a priority.”
The Academy appreciates the work of the Universities Accord Panel, chaired by Professor Mary O’Kane, in delivering this work.
Read the Academy’s submission to the Interim Report on our policy page.
Find the Government’s Final Report on its website.
Media: AAHMS Head of Media and Communication Katie Rowney, or P: 07 3102 7212 M: +61 (0) 419 787 551