AAHMS submission: response to the NHMRC consultation on proposed revisions to the Open Access Policy

The Academy supports the NHMRC’s move towards a more open access publishing environment in Australia. However, to best support researchers, there is a need for a considered approach to the way this is achieved. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is consulting with the health and medical research sector on proposed changes to […]
AAHMS submission: response to the DESE consultation on developing a university research commercialisation scheme

The Academy supports the principle of a government-backed scheme for early-stage commercialisation of research, however, care needs to be taken in the scheme design to ensure that Australia is getting the most for that investment. In a recent submission to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment consultation on developing a University Research Commercialisation (URC) […]
Academies support government strategy for mitochondrial donation in Australia

The Australian Academies of Health and Medical Sciences and the Australian Academy of Science submitted a joint response to the Australian Government’s consultation on mitochondrial donation in Australia.
AAHMS submission to Royal Commission

AAHMS published its submission to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements on 9 April 2020. AAHMS submission to Royal Commission
AAHMS Priority Setting Event and MRFF Submission

AAHMS Fellows met in Sydney on 29 April 2016 for the Priority Setting Roundtable Symposium to consider a strategy for prioritised research.