VIC & TAS State Committee Meeting

Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital, Flemington Rd, Parkville The first meeting of the VIC and TAS Branch will be an informal event held over breakfast. The meeting will be an excellent opportunity for all local Fellows to connect and consider business to bring forward to the Annual General Meting and Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), […]

AAHMS in Western Australia Breakfast Seminar

Telethon Kids Institute, 100 Roberts Rd, Subiaco Professor Ian Frazer AC FRS FAA FTSE FAHMS Inaugural President Will be holding a breakfast seminar to launch the new Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences in Western Australia. There will be opportunity for questions. This event is open to key opinion leaders in WA medical research […]

WA State Committee Meeting

Coffee Anatomy, Harry Perkins Institute, 6 Verdun Street, Nedlands The first meeting of the FAHMS Western Australia State Branch will be an informal event held over breakfast. The meeting will be an excellent opportunity for all the Fellows in Western Australia to connect and consider business to bring forward to the Annual General Meting and Annual […]

QLD State Committee Meeting

Board Room, Level 6, Medical School Herston The first meeting of the Queensland State Branch will be an informal event held over breakfast. The meeting will be an excellent opportunity for all the Fellows in Queensland to connect and consider business to bring forward to the Annual General Meting and Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), possible candidates […]

Adelaide Roadshow

SAHMRI Auditorium, North Terrace, Adelaide Please join us for a presentation by the inaugural president of the Academy, Professor Ian Frazer about the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences. The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences is a newly established learned Academy
that aims to be an important part of the health and medical scientific and policy […]

Official Launch of the Academy

Parkes Place, Parkes, Canberra ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA The official launch of the Academy will mark the first learned academy to be established in Australia in the last 28 years. The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences will be launched by the Minister for Health, the Hon Sussan Ley MP, and the ceremony will include […]

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