Queensland Clinical Science Symposium: Foundations and Frontiers

Translational Research Institute – Auditorium, 37 Kent Street, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 In association with the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, we are pleased to invite the Queensland Medical and Science Community to the first ever Queensland Clinical Science Symposium, with a program focused on inspiring and encouraging junior doctors, medical students and researchers […]
AMSI BioInfoSummer Lectures 2017
20171206 – 20171206 Lecture Theatre K309, Monash University Caulfield Campus The AMSI BioInfoSummer 2017 introduces bioinformatics and mathematical and computational biology to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and professionals working in the fields of mathematics, statistics, computer science, information technology, complex systems analysis, and biological, chemical and medical sciences and engineering. Academy […]
2017 Mentorship Workshop

South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Boardroom, North Terrace, Adelaide Interactive discussion on Unconscious bias: how it impacts on leadership behaviour as well as how it is encountered by those on the receiving end; management and confrontation Mentoring and sponsorship: preferences and management Career planning across the life cycle and preparing for career […]
AAHMS Annual Meetings 2017

Adelaide, South Australia Registrations now open The theme of the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting will be ‘Health Equity: Challenges & Solutions’, reflecting the need to align the diverse range of disciplines involved in health across Australia to better strategically address the needs of our community. Better integration of research, education and clinical care, and targeting […]
Victorian Clinical Science Symposium 2017
Life as a Clinician Scientist
20170729 – 20170729 Clarendon Auditorium, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Victorian Clinical Science Symposium Download the Finalised Program Here Following the success of the sold-out inaugural Victorian Clinical Science Symposium in 2016, Life as a Clinician-Scientist: The Best of Both Worlds has now been established as an annual event in Victoria – and has inspired […]
AAHMS Open Scientific Meeting

Translational Research Institute: 199 Ipswich Road Woolloongabba, QLD 4102 https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Translational+Research+Institute/@-27.4990582,153.0224663,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x6b915a65c10b2ec1:0x110d5b93a0123496!8m2!3d-27.499063!4d153.031221