Queensland Clinical Sciences Forum

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute We are back in Brisbane for an evening event that will guide and inspire your efforts to dive into research as a clinician. Perhaps you’re wondering how to get started in research, when to take time out for a PhD, or how to balance your time between research and clinical […]
Queensland Branch Networking Event

Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (Merivales Boardroom 2) Fellows and Associate Members of the Academy’s Queensland State Branch are kindly invited to attend a dinner and networking event on Wednesday 11 September at 6pm in Brisbane. Fellows and Associate Members will receive information directly via the State Branch Chair or can contact the AAHMS office […]
NSW and ACT State Branch networking event

Sydney Fellows and Associate Members of the Academy’s New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory State Branch are kindly invited to attend a breakfast and networking event on Friday 24 May in Sydney. Fellows and Associate Members will receive information directly from the State Branch Chair, Professor Tony Cunningham, or can contact the Secretariat for […]
2019 New South Wales Life as a Clinician Scientist Symposium

Kolling Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital We are excited to be hosting one of our popular Life as a Clinician Scientist events in New South Wales for the first time. These events aim to encourage and inspire clinicians, including medical students, JMOs, registrars, fellows, and even consultants, to entwine research throughout their career. During the […]
AAHMS General and Scientific Annual Meeting 2019

The Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, The University of Western Australia (Nedlands Campus) The Academy gathers each October to welcome our newly elected Fellows and to host our annual scientific meeting. PROGRAM SPEAKERS MENTORSHIP WORKSHOP […]
2019 Queensland Clinical Science Symposium

Translational Research Institute. 37 Kent Street, Woolloongabba, QLD 4102 Following the success of last year’s sold-out event, the Queensland Clinical Science Symposium aims to inspire clinicians, researchers, junior doctors, and medical students to pursue excellence in clinical practice and medical research. Don’t miss this exciting day of presentations and discussions from a panel of 12 […]