First Nations focus

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were the nation’s first scientists.

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences is dedicated to supporting First Nations peoples’ health and wellbeing.

From ensuring First Nations voices are prioritised in our policy work, to our vocal support for the Voice to Parliament, the Academy’s focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health is considered in all our work.

Our commitment includes increasing the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the health and medical sciences, as well as acknowledging and celebrating the significant contributions First Nations people have already made.

Learn more about the Academy’s commitment below.

The Outstanding First Nations Researcher Medal recognises an outstanding mid-career researcher of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, and was developed with the generous support of the Gandevia Foundation.

Learn more

The Academy is fortunate to have several Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellows , including Australia’s first Aboriginal psychologist, Professor Pat Dudgeon.

Visit the Fellowship directory

Our Strategic Plan 2023-2025 details how we will strengthen our contribution to improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing, and the representation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers.

Read the plan

We have been privileged to learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders who have shared their knowledge at our events. Find a highlights playlist of keynotes and panels on our YouTube.

Watch now

In all our work, the Academy is guided by evidence-based best practice. In healthcare, as well as other areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have better outcomes when they are able to participate actively in decision making. 

Read our statement supporting the Voice

In all our policy work we seek First Nations’ perspectives and expertise, ensuring we reflect the priorities of First Nations peoples, as developed by them. Learn more on our policy page, or read our key report,  A vision for the future of health in Australia.

View our policy work