An independent voice for health, research, policy and advice

An expert representative and independent voice for health and medical sciences in Australia.

Dedicated to engaging with the community, industry and government on pressing issues to improve health for all.


Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences

a snapshot

The aim of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS) is to advance research throughout Australia in the fields of health and medicine.

Our goal is to ensure the application of this research provides benefits for all Australians.

Impartial, independent and authoritative voice on health policy and medical research.

502 Fellows from a variety of sectors throughout Australia’s states and territories.

Interdisciplinary body elected based on exceptional contributions to the fields of health and medical science.
Supports early to mid-career academics through a series of programs and awards.
Leaders in advice provision to government agencies and industry bodies on healthcare, including the current COVID-19 pandemic response.
The Academy was co-founded by inaugural President Professor Ian Frazer – the co-inventor of the cervical cancer vaccine.

Who are we?

AAHMS is Australia’s Learned Academy for the health and medical sciences and an independent voice for the sector.

The Academy is an interdisciplinary body made up of 502 Fellows. Each Fellow is elected by their peers for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the health and medical sciences in their respective fields.

The cross-sector experience of our Fellows ensures that our advice is independent, expert and evidence-based. We use our knowledge and networks to drive change and provide leadership to ensure the most pressing health issues facing society can be addressed for everyone’s benefit.

Learn more about the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences

Our Academy

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences has been providing an authoritative and impartial voice for the health and medical science community since 2014.


Drawing on the highest quality available evidence combined with our Fellows’ collective expert advice, we’re able to provide much needed medical and health policy advice while advancing the research of the best and brightest scientists.


Our Fellows are at the heart of our outreach, health advice, policy consultation and public engagement.

Each member of the Fellowship is elected by their peers based on achievements and extraordinary contributions to Australian health and medical science.

Mentorship Program

Are you an emerging leader in the fields of health and medical science? Do you want to contribute and play your part in addressing the most important health issues facing our society?

The Academy’s Mentorship Program offers both independent advice and informed support in career development, succession planning and leadership advancement. We’re dedicated to the continuing advancement of research, nurturing of future leaders, and ensuring that every Australian benefits from the important work we do.

Life as a Clinician-Scientist

Our program provides unique insights into the clinician-scientist career, which combines clinical skills with trail-blazing research. The Life as a Clinician-Scientist program includes in-person and online events held around Australia, spot mentoring sessions, and a regular newsletter designed to inspire the next generation.

These activities offer students, trainees, junior doctors and early career researchers the opportunity to learn from leaders, become inspired, and receive encouragement to become increasingly involved in cutting edge research and innovation.

The program celebrates the diversity of the health and medical sciences, and includes activities tailored for medicine, nursing and midwifery, and allied health. Learn from Australia’s top clinician researchers as they share stories and skills from their career journey to inspire you to forge your own path.

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