Professor Rinaldo Bellomo: How to select and structure a research question (2016)
Professor Rinaldo Bellomo explains how to select a research question and most importantly, how to structure a research question. His entertaining presentation provides lots of practical advice about how to do this.
Professor Jayashri Kulkarni: Psychiatry research, ready for a revolution (2016)
Professor Jayashri Kulkarni explains why psychiatry is so far behind many medical disciplines, and that mental health will continue to be a major health burden in Australia in the coming years. She also outlines why the lack of neurobiology thinking in the profession of psychiatry has led to some disasters for people in their quality […]
Professor Jane Gunn: How might a clinician-scientist be best placed to reshape primary care? (2018)
Clinician-scientists have so many opportunities to make a difference. Professor Jane Gunn just says “go for it” – and here’s how she did. She is a general practitioner, speaking in Melbourne in 2018.
Professor Fiona Wood: My journey as a clinician-scientist – the life long impact of burn injuries (2018)
Professor Fiona Wood gets up in the morning to be the best she can be – she describes how you can bring your A game to work every day as a clinician-scientist. She is a surgeon, speaking in Melbourne in 2018.
Professor Shitij Kapur: Life as a clinician-scientist – lessons from across the world (2018)
Professor Shitij Kapur wants to tell you how the world can open up for you as a clinician-scientist – and the opportunities and rewards that come along the way. He is a psychiatrist, speaking in Melbourne in 2018.
Professor Grant McArthur: Why communication matters (2019)
Professor Grant McArthur thinks communicating with patients and patient communities is one of the most important skills for a clinician-scientist. He is an oncologist, speaking in Melbourne in 2019.