Professor Alex Hewitt: A Tale of Two Cities (2021)
Professor Alex Hewitt spoke from his Tasmanian office at our 2021 Victorian Life as a Clinician-Scientist symposium. Professor Alex Hewitt is a Principal Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, as well as a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Eye Research Australia. His major research interests lie […]
Professor Hugh Taylor : My life as a clinician-scientist (2019)
Professor Hugh Taylor wants you to think about how much we don’t know – and to open your mind up to addressing those unknowns. There are many opportunities to do so as a clinician-scientist. He is an ophthalmologist, speaking in Melbourne in 2019.
Associate Professor Jonathan Karpelowsky: Why being a scientist makes me a better surgeon (2019)
Associate Professor Jonathan Karpelowsky covers a range of topics in his talk, such as how being a clinician helps him be a better surgeon, and his top tips for delivering a great talk to share your science and your story.
The Prep and the Pivot – responding to a pandemic as a clinician scientist (2020)
Clinician scientists have been leading the charge in tackling the pandemic. At this August 2020 event we heard from some of Australia’s leading clinician-scientists about how it’s going, and the opportunities and challenges they have experienced in their research and clinical lives during the pandemic. The webinar featured renowned experts: Professor Sharon Lewin AO FAHMS Director, […]
On the front line and in the lab – driving forward research in a pandemic (2020)
Our clinician-scientists are using their expertise and experience to confront a once in a hundred-year global health threat and manage a public health emergency. Learn how they’re doing it in this recording of our 2020 webinar. Whether they are searching for new treatments and vaccines, advising on public health measures or addressing the broader impacts […]
Professor Sandra Eades: Through the eyes of one of Australia’s first Indigenous clinician-scientists (2019)
Look through the eyes of one of Australia’s first Indigenous clinician-scientists as Sandra Eades outlines the ups and downs of Indigenous health, general practice and population health research. She is a Noongar physician, researcher and professor, speaking in Melbourne in 2019.