Professor Jonathan Golledge: Developments in peripheral vascular conditions
Professor Jonathan Golledge FAHMS, Professor of Vascular Surgery, James Cook University, spoke at our 2023 Annual Meeting.
Professor Christobel Saunders – What is a Clinician-Scientist?
Professor Christobel Saunders AO FAHMS is James Stewart Chair of Surgery, The Royal Melbourne Hospital. She shared her career story, thoughts on “imposter syndrome” and strategies for success at the 2022 Life as a Clinician-Scientist Victorian symposium.
Professor Stephen O’Leary: The life of a surgeon-scientist (2021)
“If you’ve been trained as a clinician, you know the best will come out if you combine a deep fundamental knowledge, but also if you follow your heart in terms of motivation. It’s really important, early in your career, to have a broad curiosity across your discipline.” Professor Stephen O’Leary, William Gibson Chair in Otolaryngology […]
Associate Professor Jonathan Karpelowsky: Why being a scientist makes me a better surgeon (2019)
Associate Professor Jonathan Karpelowsky covers a range of topics in his talk, such as how being a clinician helps him be a better surgeon, and his top tips for delivering a great talk to share your science and your story.
Professor Kate Drummond: Why bother with surgical research when you can spend all day operating? (2016)
Neurosurgeon Professor Kate Drummond on why it’s important for surgeons to pursue research.
Professor Fiona Wood: My journey as a clinician-scientist – the life long impact of burn injuries (2018)
Professor Fiona Wood gets up in the morning to be the best she can be – she describes how you can bring your A game to work every day as a clinician-scientist. She is a surgeon, speaking in Melbourne in 2018.