Prof Elizabeth Elliott: Unexpected rewards for the clinician-scientist (2021)
Professor Elizabeth Elliott: Unexpected rewards for the clinician-scientist – a journey from the lab to Wangkatjungka, Christmas Island and Dien Bien Phu.
A/Professor Michelle Farrar: Paediatric neurology – the dawning of a new era (2021)
A/Professor Farrar discusses paediatric neurology and her career path at the 2021 NSW Life as a Clinician-Scientist event.
Professor Claire Wainwright: From genetics to the pharmaceutical market (2021)
Professor Claire Wainwright shares her experience as a clinician-scientist and her work on cystic fibrosis therapies. She is introduced by Queensland State Branch Chair Professor David Whiteman. Presented at our QLD LACS event in 2021.
Professor Melissa Wake: Keep your feet on the ground and your eyes in the sky (2019)
Professor Melissa Wake describes the path that led her to become a developmental behavioural paediatrician, and how she built her international collaborations. She also talks about the benefits of having three lives: a clinician, a researcher and an individual with your family or your own interests outside of work. Presented at LACS in Melbourne, […]
Professor John Christodoulou: How to give a killer talk (2018)
Professor Christodoulou shares his expertise in engaging an audience. Learn how to correctly pitch to your audience, prepare visually interesting slides, use humour, acknowledge collaborators and funding sources, and finish with a conclusion. Presentation delivered at the LACS event in Melbourne in 2018.
Professor Louise Baur: How I went from clinical physiology to global health public policy without even realising it (2019)
Professor Louise Baur looks back over her career and the pathways that led her to becoming a bariatric paediatrician. She also talks about ways of treating those affected by obesity and the best prevention strategies. Presented at the NSW LACS event in Sydney in 2019.