Professor Stephen O’Leary: The life of a surgeon-scientist (2021)
“If you’ve been trained as a clinician, you know the best will come out if you combine a deep fundamental knowledge, but also if you follow your heart in terms of motivation. It’s really important, early in your career, to have a broad curiosity across your discipline.” Professor Stephen O’Leary, William Gibson Chair in Otolaryngology […]
Professor Rachelle Buchbinder: A career built on serendipity not planning (2021)
Professor Rachelle Buchbinder AO, is the inaugural Director, Monash-Cabrini Department Musculoskeletal Health and Clinical Epidemiology, and a Professor in the Monash University Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. Professor Buchbinder said the combination of clinical research and clinical practice meant you could have a doubly rewarding career with “long-term outcomes from research, and […]
Professor Alex Hewitt: A Tale of Two Cities (2021)
Professor Alex Hewitt spoke from his Tasmanian office at our 2021 Victorian Life as a Clinician-Scientist symposium. Professor Alex Hewitt is a Principal Research Fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania, as well as a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Eye Research Australia. His major research interests lie […]
Professor Carol Pollock: Bringing insights from the bedside to the bench and back (2019)
Professor Carol Pollock on why clinical work is enhanced by research and how it can lead to a more fulfilling career. She also discusses the initial challenges of undertaking research work and why diversification can lead to greater career satisfaction. She is speaking at a NSW Life as Clinician-Scientist event in 2019.
Professor Hugh Taylor : My life as a clinician-scientist (2019)
Professor Hugh Taylor wants you to think about how much we don’t know – and to open your mind up to addressing those unknowns. There are many opportunities to do so as a clinician-scientist. He is an ophthalmologist, speaking in Melbourne in 2019.
On the front line and in the lab – driving forward research in a pandemic (2020)
Our clinician-scientists are using their expertise and experience to confront a once in a hundred-year global health threat and manage a public health emergency. Learn how they’re doing it in this recording of our 2020 webinar. Whether they are searching for new treatments and vaccines, advising on public health measures or addressing the broader impacts […]