AAHMS Submission: NHMRC consultation on proposed revisions to the Open Access Policy and Further Guidance
The Academy supports the NHMRC’s move towards a more open access publishing environment in Australia. However, to best support researchers, there is a need for a considered approach to the way this is achieved. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is consulting with the health and medical research sector on proposed changes […]
AAHMS submission: response to the DESE consultation on developing a university research commercialisation scheme
The Academy supports the principle of a government-backed scheme for early-stage commercialisation of research, however, care needs to be taken in the scheme design to ensure that Australia is getting the most for that investment. In a recent submission to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment consultation on developing a University Research Commercialisation (URC) […]
Joint submission: Response to the Australian Government’s consultation on mitochondrial donation in Australia
In February 2021, the Australian Government Department of Health invited feedback on their proposal to legalising mitochondrial donation in Australia through a staged approach. The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences and the Australian Academy of Science submitted a joint response to this consultation. In this submission, the Academies: supported the Australian Government’s cautious […]
2021/22 Pre-Budget submission
In January 2021, in response to the Government’s call for submissions for the 2021-22 Budget, the Academy has highlighted the importance of an adaptable, skilled and responsive research and innovation sector working in concert with government, industry and the community. Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its success in maintaining low case numbers and […]
Pre-Budget submission 2020-2021
The Academy’s submission ahead of the 2020-2021 Federal Budget, submitted in August 2020, highlighted Australia’s opportunity to build on its strong legacy of fostering a vibrant health and medical research environment. Our response showed the important role that research and innovation can play in driving economic and societal recovery from COVID-19, and stressed the need […]
Submission: lessons learnt from the bushfire season 2019/20
In April 2020, AAHMS submitted a response to a consultation from the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee on the lessons learnt from the bushfire season 2019/20.