March 2024 newsletter

A message from our President

The Government recently released the Universities Accord Final Report, providing an overall vision to reform higher education. The Academy, drawing on the collective expertise of our Fellows and Associate Members, contributed to the report through consultation responses and engagement with the Accord Panel last year. Our responses and input into the process focussed on the important role of universities in Australia’s research and innovation landscape, and we of course drew on our major policy project, Research and innovation as core functions in transforming the health system: A vision for the future of health in Australia. We were therefore pleased to see the Final Report include actions relating to research and innovation.

The Report recognises that Australian research and innovation are world class and the important role that universities play in these endeavours. It makes several recommendations including the need for a strategic review of national research funding to ensure we remain globally competitive and reap the associated economic benefits. To remain competitive, Australia needs a comprehensive research and innovation strategy, including a long-term stable funding commitment. We urge the Government to move forward with the actions identified in relation to research and innovation, including the recommended review, as a priority.

I wish to thank the secretariat, Fellows and Associate Members who contributed to the Academy’s submissions on this – your time and input is invaluable.

Finally, I urge you all to take a moment to read our March highlight story, the second in our series celebrating 10 years of the Academy, as I mentioned earlier. This time we’re reflecting on the Life as a Clinician-Scientist program, launched to great success in 2016 and now with events held annually across the country and online for a national audience. Our next Life as a Clinician-Scientist symposium will be held in Melbourne on 23 March. Past attendees have called it a “life-changing experience”, so do encourage junior doctors, medical and health sciences students, health professionals, and early career researchers to attend. 

Best wishes, 

Professor Louise Baur AM PresAHMS

Professor Ingrid Scheffer AO FRS FAA FAHMS speaks to guests at the 2019 Life as a Clinician-Scientist Victoria symposium.
Professor Sandra Eades AO FASSA FTSE FAHMS presents at the 2019 Life as a Clinician-Scientist Victoria symposium.

Celebrating 10 years of AAHMS: Life as a Clinician-Scientist

With more than 1,000 registered attendees in 2023 alone, there is no doubt that the Academy’s Life as a Clinician-Scientist program has been a success. Learn more about its inception and the reasons for its incredible growth in our March highlight story, the second in a series celebrating 10 years of the Academy.

AAHMS policy news

In February, the Academy provided a submission to the Senate Inquiry into Issues related to menopause and perimenopause. Our thanks to the Fellows and Associate Members who assisted. Read the submission on our policy page.


Fellow Professor John Carlin was awarded the Statistical Society of Australia’s Pitman Medal in recognition of outstanding achievement in, and contribution to, the discipline of Statistics. 

AAHMS Fellows Professors Robyn Norton AO and Caroline Homer AO have been appointed to Franklin Women’s inaugural Advisory Board.

Fellows in the news

UWA’s Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention, led by AAHMS Fellow Professor Pat Dudgeon, is a finalist in the community champion awards and has been profiled in The Australian.

Professor Dudgeon was also interviewed on the Emerging Minds podcast, where she discussed decolonising psychology.

Professor Anna Nowak co-authored research published in JAMA Oncology, results of the trial showed promising breakthrough treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma. The research was also covered on the UWA news site.

Professors Fran Baum and Sharon Friel contributed to a journal article in Policy and Society on NGOs and Global Business Regulation of Transnational Alcohol and Ultra-Processed Food Industries.

Professor Ian Freckelton published the 7th edition of his book Expert Evidence, an acclaimed work of first resort for analysing the complex law and practice surrounding expert witnesses and expert evidence in personal injury, commercial, criminal and family law litigation.

Associate Member Professor Suzanne Nielsen discussed the potential for a fentanyl crisis in Australia with the Northern Daily Leader and ABC News.

Professors Jodie McVernon and Tania Sorrell spoke on a panel at the APPRISE annual meeting.

Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg’s trial on jelly snakes and vomiting in children after adenotonsillectomy was published in Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine.

Professor Kaarin Anstey talked to Guardian Australia on “brain boosters” – does the research match the hype when it comes to supplements and compounds?

Professor Mark Dawson spoke to ABC Radio National Breakfast about his team’s recent research findings on liver regeneration, published in Developmental Cell.

 Professor Matthew Kiernan discussed new research into MND treatments with the Sydney Morning Herald.

 Associate Member Professor Lauren Ball wrote for The Conversation on nutrition and school lunches.

Professor Richard Scolyer discussed cancer research and his own treatment journey with Men’s Health and Aus Doc.

 Professor Eric Morand‘s latest research on lupus was published in Nature Communications and covered by Monash’s news site

Professor Ian Hickie discussed work stress and mental health with ABC’s Radio National. He also wrote for Croakey about youth mental health and prevention, and Medicare.

The Academy recently revised its privacy policy and privacy collection statement, which can be found online here.

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