Panel: Building a career in translational research – perspectives across career stages (2021)
Chaired by Professor David Whiteman, this panel included: A/Prof David Cavallucci (hepato-pancreatico-biliary surgery) Dr Michelle Roets (anaesthetics) Dr Cameron Snell (pathology) It was recorded at our QLD LACS 2021 event.
Associate Professor Clair Sullivan: Digital health to improve health outcomes (2021)
Associate Professor Clair Sullivan graduated with Honours in Medicine from UQ and a Research Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Leeds. She is a fellow of both the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Australian College of Health Informatics. She has been appointed Associate Professor of Medicine in Clinical Informatics at the University […]
Professor Claire Wainwright: From genetics to the pharmaceutical market (2021)
Professor Claire Wainwright shares her experience as a clinician-scientist and her work on cystic fibrosis therapies. She is introduced by Queensland State Branch Chair Professor David Whiteman. Presented at our QLD LACS event in 2021.
Prof Bala Venkatesh: Building capacity and culture in translational intensive care research (2021)
Professor Bala Venkatesh shares his international experiences as a clinician-researcher and discusses running clinical trials in India during the COVID-19 pandemic. He spoke at our 2021 QLD LACS event. Professor Venkatesh is Director of Intensive Care at the Wesley Hospital, Pre-Eminent specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Professor of Intensive […]
Panel: Building a career in translational research (2021)
Chaired by Professor David Whiteman, the panel discusses mentorship, getting into research and work-life balance. Panel members are: Distinguished Professor Dietmar W Hutmacher Professor Bala Venkatesh Dr Michael Wagels Professor Claire Wainwright This session was held at our QLD LACS 2021 event.
Professor Tammy Hoffman: The ‘other’ type of translational research (2021)
Professor Tammy Hoffman is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and NHMRC Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Evidence-Based Health Care, Bond University, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences. Her research spans many aspects of shared decision making, evidence-based practice, and maximising the translation of evidence to assist clinicians, patients, […]