Professor Louisa Jorm

Professor Jorm is an acknowledged authority in the areas of health system performance, health surveillance, data linkage and Aboriginal health. She not only led development of the world’s first population health ontology, her subsequent ‘determinants of health’ ontology class was incorporated into the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Health Interventions. Her frequent world-first research […]

Professor Cheryl Jones

Professor Jones is an outstanding clinician scientist whose research spans population health, clinical, and laboratory research. She is internationally recognised as an expert in infectious disease and antimicrobial resistance. Professor Jones is the Stevenson Chair in Paediatrics and Head of the Department of Paediatrics at The University of Melbourne. She is Executive Director of the […]

Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm

Professor Jandeleit-Dahm is a clinician scientist (FRACP) and NHMRC Senior Research fellow with an established track record in diabetes and its complications. She is considered a national and international leader in diabetes research and has made seminal discoveries on new targets to treat diabetic complications. She has been successful in obtaining ongoing grant funding. Currently, […]

Professor Margaret Hellard

Professor Hellard is an infectious disease physician, public health physician and researcher; she is recognised as a global leader in epidemiology and clinical care especially in the fields of hepatitis C and HIV among key populations, and for using new technologies in health promotion. Her work has directly informed policy direction and practice in Australia […]

Professor Sean Grimmond

Professor Grimmond is internationally recognised as a leader in cancer genomics, a pioneer of transcriptomics, and a committed advocate to genome-directed medicine. Over the last 25 years he has led a broad research program which uses transcriptome dynamics and genome content to uncover the underlying genetics controlling malignancies, developmental defects and pluripotency. Since 2009, Professor […]

Professor Christopher Fairley

Professor Fairley has substantially improved sexual health services over many years. He was the first to recognise that access to health care was the key driver of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in Indigenous communities (Hansard 1997). He has led innovations in sexual health services in Australia and internationally that have materially improved access to services […]

Professor David Durrheim

Professor Durrheim is a leading public health advocate, researcher and practitioner in surveillance innovation, outbreak response, and immunisation service improvement in Australia and globally. He is expert adviser to WHO in the African and Pacific Regions. His global standing is exemplified by being appointed to the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization, […]

Professor Mariapia Degli-Esposti

Professor Degli-Esposti is an eminent researcher of international standing and a leader in the field of viral immunology. She has made multiple seminal contributions to understanding the immunological pathways invoked in response to viral infection and the pathophysiology of the resulting disease. Her work has been the subject of highly cited papers in prestigious journals […]

Professor Enrico Coiera

Professor Coiera is internationally recognised as a leading theoretician and researcher in health informatics, and is amongst the top scientists in the field internationally. His theoretical and applied work has found broad application in the study of information system design, decision-support technologies, clinical communication, patient safety, and bioinformatics.

Professor David Celermajer

Professor David Celermajer is Head of the Discipline of Cardiology at The University of Sydney, and Clinical Director of the Heart Research Institute. A Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences since 2006 and an Officer of the Order of Australia since 2014, Professor Celermajer has a sustained contribution to Health Research with career citations […]

Professor John Carlin

Professor John Carlin is internationally recognised for research and leadership in biostatistics. He is a leading figure in this key enabling discipline in Australia, having established the Victorian Centre for Biostatistics and previously co-founding the Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia. His reputation is built on a combination of influential methodological research, an extensive array of major […]

Professor Lynne Bilston

Professor Lynne Bilston bridges the gap between biomechanical engineering and medicine, undertaking fundamental research in how soft tissues respond to mechanical loading and applying this across public health and clinical medicine. She has made fundamental advances in soft tissue biomechanics, developing novel imaging and rheological techniques. She has applied this expertise to (i) understanding biomechanics […]

Professor Kim Bennell

Kim Bennell, a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and NHMRC Principal Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne, is a world-renowned physiotherapist and international research leader in nondrug management of musculoskeletal conditions, particularly osteoarthritis. Kim’s multidisciplinary high quality research, published in over 350 peer-reviewed publications, has influenced clinical guidelines and practice, improving outcomes for people with […]

Professor Gabrielle Belz

Professor Gabrielle Belz is internationally recognised for her pioneering research into the factors that shape the development of immune protection – a feature essential for survival. She has defined the function and molecular regulators of immune subsets critical for protection against disease, and pioneered the identification of new mechanisms driving T cell development that underpins […]

Professor Amanda Baker

Professor Amanda Baker is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist leading a team with the most extensive approach to treating comorbid mental and substance use disorders in the world. She is investigating novel ‘low intensity’ interventions, involving less specialist involvement (e.g., via peer workers) and flexible delivery modes (e.g., online). Uniquely, her research spans all types […]

Professor Ian Anderson

Professor Ian Anderson is an outstanding public health physician with a primary focus on Indigenous health and policy. Over the last five years, as an academic leader and researcher at The University of Melbourne, this focus has broadened to other areas of Indigenous policy including higher education leadership. He has been a key national leader […]

Professor Alan Lopez

Alan Lopez is a highly cited public health researcher whose contributions have had a major impact on health policy debates in Australia and worldwide, named in the top 10 most influential researchers worldwide by Thompson-Reuters in 2015. His seminal and continuing work on the Global Burden of Disease Study with Chris Murray is used by  […]

Professor James Beeson

Professor Beeson is an exceptional public health physician and malaria researcher at the Burnet Institute. With extensive research throughout Africa and Asia in the field of malaria, his research discoveries have significantly contributed to global scientific knowledge and have led to priority candidates for vaccines being developed. As a leader of the lnstitute’s flagship Healthy […]

Professor Clare Scott

Professor Clare Scott is a clinician scientist and head of the ovarian cancer laboratory at WEHI. Her expertise in novel pre-clinical mouse models of epithelial ovarian cancer complements her involvement in ovarian cancer genetics and key contributions to clinical trials of the DNA repair inhibitors, PARP inhibitors. The focus of Scott’s laboratory is discovery, leading […]

Professor Gita Mishra

Professor Mishra is an internationally renowned researcher with broad expertise in women’s health epidemiology who maintains numerous international collaborations in Europe, USA and Japan. She is Director of the national flagship study, the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, and a recognised Chartered Statistician (Royal Statistical Society) and Chartered Scientist (UK Science Council). With over […]

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