Professor Andrew Scott

Professor Andrew Scott has made significant contributions to science and medicine through the discovery of novel therapeutic antibodies that are impacting on cancer patient outcomes, and the development of evidence for positron emission tomography (PET) that has led to the approval of multiple Medicare clinical indications for accurately staging cancer patients. He has provided leadership […]

Professor Stephen Fox

Stephen Fox is an internationally recognised anatomical and molecular pathologist. He is known for his research in the field of tumour blood vessel formation where he elucidated the mechanism by which a tumour establishes a blood supply that is critical to its growth and spread. He has shown the importance of these in breast tumours […]

Professor Terence O’Brien

Professor O’Brien is a medical specialist in neurology and clinical pharmacology, with particular expertise in epilepsy and related brain disorders, anti‐epileptic drugs and imaging in animal models and humans.  His research covers both basic and clinical studies related to epilepsy, its neuropsychiatric co‐morbidities and other neurodegenerative brain diseases. He has published more than 290 peer‐reviewed […]

Professor Catriona McLean

Professor McLean directs Anatomical Pathology and the State Neuromuscular Service, Alfred Health.  With expertise in pathology and neuropathology, she has published 300+ research papers in the fields of: dementia and cancer.  As inaugural director of the NHMRC Australian Brain Bank Network she has enabled accurate provision of pathologically characterized tissues to national and international researchers […]

Professor Andreas Strasser

Cell Death is necessary for the normal development and functioning of multi‐cellular animals. Apoptosis is a process of programmed cell suicide, which removes cells that are no longer needed or have become dangerous. Professor Strasser showed that defects in apoptosis cause cancer and autoimmune disease and render tumour cells resistant to anti-cancer therapeutics. He identified […]

Professor Christobel Saunders

Christobel Saunders is a surgeon and cancer researcher, recognised as a leader in both surgical practice and research in Australia and internationally. This is demonstrated through her portfolio of research publications (over 150), successful grants (over $25m), translation of research into practice (such as guideline development and obtaining government funding for new treatments) and executive […]

Professor Jane Gunn

Professor Jane Gunn is a distinguished academic general practitioner whose leadership has raised the profile and rigour of primary care research in Australia.  As the inaugural Chair of Primary Care Research at The University of Melbourne her work in mental health addresses a leading cause of disability burden.  She has established a unique cohort study […]

Professor Thomas Kay

Tom Kay is Director of St. Vincent’s Institute and President of the Immunology of Diabetes Society. He is Chief Investigator on an NHMRC Program Grant, “Pathogenesis-based Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes”. As an endocrinologist and clinical immunologist he leads the Victorian node of the Australian Islet Transplant Consortium. Contributions include the role of CD8+ T […]

Professor Miles Prince

Professor Miles Prince is a clinician-researcher haematologist whose work has made a major impact in patient care and our understanding of the mechanism of action of a variety of novel agents now used routinely in cancer therapy. His contribution within the field of translational research has been in the areas of myeloma exploring a variety […]

Professor Kylie Ball

Professor Ball leads a research program focused on improving population nutrition and physical activity behaviours and reducing socioeconomic inequities in health. Her research has informed state and national prevention agendas and community-based programs that have improved health behaviours and reduced chronic disease risk. By age 35 she had already served in key leadership positions for […]

Professor Jayashri Kulkarni

Professor Jayashri Kulkarni is internationally recognised for her research into causes of mental illness in women. She founded, and directs, the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, whose aim is to develop new treatments for mental illness. She has pioneered the use of estrogen to treat schizophrenia, hormones for depression and is a world leader in […]

Professor David Bowtell

Professor Bowtell holds joint appointments at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Garvan Institute. He was Director of Research at Peter Mac from 2000-2009. Professor Bowtell has an extensive background human cancer genomics, particularly ovarian cancer. He is PI for the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study, one of the largest population-based cohort studies of ovarian […]

Professor Christine McDonald

Professor McDonald is an eminent physician-scientist working in the field of Respiratory Medicine. She has distinguished herself as a physician, investigator and teacher and latterly also as public spokesperson and department and institute head. She is recognised nationally and internationally for translating clinical research from bench to bedside in home and hospital settings, especially in […]

Professor Susan Davis

Professor Susan Davis is a National Health and Medical Research Council Principal Research Fellow, Chair of Women’s Health, and Head of the Women’s Health Research Program at Monash University.  She is considered an international authority on androgens in women and the menopause.  Her research has influenced the management of a range of health issues in […]

Professor Ian Wicks

Professor Ian Wicks is Head of the Rheumatology Unit, Royal Melbourne Hospital, and Head of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute’s Inflammation Division. His Research on inflammatory diseases enabled him to identify several cytokine receptors as novel therapeutic targets. He led collaborations to develop therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against these targets. One of these has completed […]

Professor John McNeil

Professor McNeil’s research activities have involved the application of epidemiological methods to problems in clinical medicine and public health.  In recognition of his service he was awarded an AM (Member of the Order of Australia) in 2009.  Professor McNeil has developed a strategy to undertake large community based intervention trials successfully, as demand for new […]

Professor Jane Visvader

Jane Visvader has made seminal contributions to the fields of mammary biology and breast cancer. Her team achieved a very significant breakthrough in health and medical sciences, with the isolation of breast stem cells. This work and her subsequent identification of master regulators of mammary gland development and cells of origin of cancer have altered […]

Professor Trevor Kilpatrick

Trevor Kilpatrick has advanced basic neuroscience and clinical neurology through several important discoveries that determine how key cellular interactions are established and maintained in the brain.  He identified neural stem cells, interrogated their growth factor responsiveness, and established that neurons and glia interact in the healthy brain in ways that are disrupted in multiple sclerosis […]

Professor Colin Masters

Colin Masters’ work over the last 35 years is widely acknowledged as having had a major influence on Alzheimer’s disease research world-wide, particularly the collaborative studies conducted with Konrad Beyreuther in which they discovered the proteolytic neuronal origin of the Aβ amyloid protein which causes Alzheimer’s disease. Masters has continued to identify and develop effective […]

Professor David Vaux

David Vaux opened the molecular era of cell death research by identifying the first component of the mechanism cells use to kill themselves, showing that failure of cell death leads to the development of cancer, and demonstrating that the cell death mechanism is evolutionarily conserved. He helped identify and characterise two families of cell death […]

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