Professor Timothy Hughes
Professor Hughes is an international expert in the biology and treatment of leukaemia. He led the establishment of the molecular response criteria that are used world-wide to measure response in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and has led many of the key Global and National trials. His group has successfully developed predictive bioassays that influence the […]
Professor Sharad Kumar
Professor Sharad Kumar’s ground-breaking work in biomedical sciences has been recognised through prestigious fellowships, national and international awards, and election to the Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science. He has made seminal discoveries that have significantly contributed to the understanding of human diseases such as cancer, inflammation and hypertension. His publications have received extensive […]
Professor Angel Lopez
Professor Angel Lopez is an outstanding Australian scientist with an international reputation in human cytokines or growth factors, particularly on studies of cytokine families with a shared receptor subunit. He has made several breakthroughs that have illuminated how these cytokines exert their biological activities and revealed new paradigms that apply to the cytokine superfamily at […]
Professor Maria Makrides
Professor Makrides is an international leader in maternal-infant nutrition and is recognised for her work investigating the health effects of dietary fatty acids, iron and novel dietary ingredients in the perinatal period. Her work has made significant contributions to changes in the composition of infant formulae and on changing international food laws (Codex Alimentarius), which […]
Professor (Isabella) Caroline McMillen
Professor McMillen has an international record of distinction in the field of development. Her work has demonstrated how the nutritional environment of the embryo and fetus impacts on health before and after birth. Her work has been funded by the NHMRC and ARC for more than 20 years, her publications have been cited 5,400 times […]
Professor Robert Norman
Professor Robert Norman’s research is in the area of reproductive health and medicine. He specialises in health around the time of conception and has initiated and led one of the most successful groups in the world in the area of paediatrics and reproductive health through the University’s Robinson Research Institute. He has won several international […]