Professor Wayne Hall

Professor Wayne Hall is internationally-recognised in the fields of addiction and mental health. He has made significant and sustained contributions advancing understanding of the epidemiology of alcohol and drug use, mental disorders, and harms related to alcohol and drug use. He has made major contributions to the formulation of Australian national drug and alcohol policy […]

Professor Rajiv Khanna

Professor Khanna is an internationally recognized Translational Immunologist who has made major contributions in the development of cellular immunotherapies for the treatment of virus-associated cancers and infectious complications. He has also developed novel immune-based diagnostic tools which have been successfully commercialised and implemented in clinical settings. He is the founding Director of the QIMR Centre […]

Professor Nicholas Martin

Professor Nick Martin is a human quantitative geneticist interested in complex traits of medical importance. In 1978 he founded the Australian Twin Registry as a resource for biomedical and behavioural research. In recent years has moved to genome wide association studies (GWAS) to locate genes influencing a wide variety of complex biomedical traits as diverse […]

Professor John McGrath

Professor John McGrath’s research aims to explore nongenetic risk factors for schizophrenia. He has forged productive cross-disciplinary collaborations linking risk factor epidemiology with developmental neurobiology. He has won several national and international awards including the Premier’s Award for Medical Research (ASMR). In 2007 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM). In […]

Professor David Paterson

Professor Paterson is an internationally renowned researcher, policymaker and advocate for medical research. Peer recognition and his leadership and commitment to advance research is evident given that he founded and chairs an international network of Infectious Diseases researchers who collaboratively perform clinical trials. He has mentored numerous junior researchers including winners of the Commonwealth Health […]

Professor Sheena Reilly

Professor Sheena Reilly has generated a substantial body of original research in childhood communication disorders and swallowing problems, as displayed by her publications and their impact on clinical practice in this discipline. Sheena’s Early Language in Victoria Study has rapidly become internationally significant in the evolution of language impairment. It’s the only specialist cohort study […]

Professor Michael Roberts

Professor Roberts is a pharmacist who, during 40 years as a practitioner, academic, and NHMRC SPRF, has focussed on medical research. His outputs include: H-index of 48, 6 books, 480 papers/chapters; 105 invited international talks; >$38m grants from NHMRC, ARC etc. He has been an APSA President, ASCEPT Councillor, University Head of School, University Research […]

Professor Pamela Russell (Vale)

Highly creative scientist, Professor Pam Russell, initiated cyclophosphamide therapy for autoimmunity and is internationally recognized for generating urological cancer models for study. She directed the Oncology Research Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney for 17 years, published 200 papers, patents, procured $34m in grants and mentored postgraduates and 30 postdoctoral fellows. Discoveries include antibodies to […]

Professor Peter Sly

Professor Peter Sly is an acknowledged pioneer in understanding the early origins of lung disease and the implications for lung health in the long term. He has discovered major risk factors for the development of asthma and for the onset of cystic fibrosis lung disease, leading to a number of testable hypotheses to prevent or […]

Professor Ranjeny Thomas

Professor Ranjeny Thomas is an NHMRC Research Fellow recognized as an international leader in the field of antigen-specific tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). During the last 5 years, she reported the first clinical trial of antigen-specific dendritic cell therapy in RA, and attracted investment from the US-based Johnson and Johnson group of companies into Dendright, […]

Professor Annette Dobson

Professor Dobson has contributed to health and medical science through the design and conduct of large-scale, long-running epidemiological studies that have improved understandings of population health issues, methodology of measurement and statistical analysis, and the education of future generations of expert biostatisticians. Her work includes leading Australia’s contribution to the world’s largest epidemiological study of […]

Professor Mark von Itzstein

Professor Mark von Itzstein is considered a world-leading scientist in anti-viral drug discovery and the elucidation of how viruses utilise host cell surface carbohydrates to initiate and propagate infection. He has made seminal contributions in influenza virus, rotavirus and parainfluenza virus chemical biology. His contributions led to the discovery of the world’s first ‘designer’ anti-influenza […]

Professor Ian Frazer

Professor Ian Frazer works to raise awareness and funds for medical research through his role with The University of Queensland (UQ) and as Chair of the TRI Foundation Board.  He is also the current Chair of the advisory board advising the commonwealth government on the use of the Medical Research Future Fund, a member of […]

Professor Frank Gannon

Professor Frank Gannon is an international thought leader and researcher. His contributions have been recognised by election to EMBO, Acadamiae Europaeae, Royal Irish Academy, European Academy of Cancer Sciences, Mexican Academy of Medicine and Honorary doctorates from three universities. He leads a major medical research Institute active in discovery and translational research. His research has […]

Professor Paul Glasziou

Paul Glasziou FRACGP, PhD is Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at Bond University and a part-time General Practitioner. He was the Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford from 2003-2010. His key interests include identifying and removing the barriers to using high quality research in everyday clinical practice, reducing waste in research, and preventing […]

Professor Michael Good

Professor Michael Good AO is an international leader in vaccine research and development. For over 25 years he has studied immunity to the malaria parasite and to Streptococcus pyogenes with the goal of identifying novel vaccine strategies. These organisms are responsible for the loss of over 1.5 million lives each year. He is currently undertaking […]

Professor Adele Green

Professor Green has provided an unparalleled body of evidence regarding the causes and preventability of cancers of the skin, the latter forming the basis of clinical and public health prevention strategies in the USA, Europe, Australia and of WHO recommendations. For two and half decades she has served on numerous health and medical science boards […]

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