Professor Vlado Perkovic

Vlado Perkovic is an international leader in kidney research, and Executive Director of the George Institute Australia. His research has demonstrated the benefits of several interventions in kidney disease, and seeks to prevent kidney failure through new treatments.  He has demonstrated that half or fewer people with kidney failure globally have access to dialysis, and […]

Professor Gregory Dore

Professor Dore is a renowned infectious diseases physician and clinical epidemiologist. His characterisation of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) epidemic, has informed public health policy and positioned his group as an international leader in HCV epidemiology. His HCV therapeutic research among people who inject drugs has guided clinical management internationally and enhanced access to treatment […]

Professor Simon Gandevia

Simon Gandevia is a clinical neurophysiologist with a history of major discoveries about human movement control in health and disease.  His research covers three strands: (i) neural mechanisms of proprioception; (ii) neural control of muscle performance, especially during muscle fatigue; and (iii) control of human breathing muscles.  His work has provided insight into many disorders, […]

Professor Jonathan Morris

Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Sydney and President Elect of the Perinatal Society Australia and New Zealand and a Board Member of the Global Obstetric Network (GoNET). Awarded Member of the Order of Australia for his clinical, research, education and advocacy work in Women’s Health. Professor Morris has over 160 publications […]

Professor Robert Herbert

Professor Rob Herbert is recognised as a world leader both in clinical trials of physiotherapy interventions and mechanisms of motor impairment. He has led major studies with important findings in both fields. He has published widely in leading journals (>175 full-length papers; world’s 6th most published researcher in physiotherapy). He holds an NHMRC Principal Research […]

Professor Robyn Norton

Professor Robyn Norton is the founding Principal Director of one of the most successful medical research institutes in Australia, The George Institute for Global Health. Established in 1999 with 3 permanent staff, the Institute now includes over 500 individuals, headquartered in Sydney, with additional centres in China, India and the United Kingdom. Professor Norton is […]

Professor William Rawlinson

William Rawlinson is a clinician scientist recognised internationally for translational research into cytomegalovirus, congenital malformation from infections, and viral diseases of immunosuppressed patients.  He established, and oversees, serology and virology clinical research programs, state-wide transplant donor screening, and national quality programs for serology and biosecurity.  He is conjoint professor at UNSW while holding an NHMRC […]

Professor Richard Bryant

Richard Bryant is an internationally renowned authority in the field of mental health following traumatic events. Amongst his many world‐first achievements, Bryant’s development of assessment tools for identifying recently traumatized people who may subsequently develop PTSD has become the international gold standard in the field. Moreover, he was subsequently tasked with overseeing the new diagnostic […]

Professor Richard Harvey

Richard Harvey is a pioneer of the molecular era of heart development and congenital heart disease (CHD) research, and has contributed significantly to cardiac regeneration biology.  His discovery of the homeodomain transcription factor Nkx2‐5 provided the key entry point for molecular dissection of heart development and CHD in humans.  His work defined new patterning principals […]

Professor Michelle Haber

Professor Michelle Haber is a world leader in the field of childhood cancer research. She has made fundamental discoveries in the area of drug resistance in neuroblastoma which have had major impact on the global research community. She has translated these discoveries into new therapeutics that are currently being clinically tested and has developed into […]

Professor Jamie Vandenberg

Jamie Vandenberg is an international authority on cardiac ion channels and has made breakthrough discoveries in understanding how these channels work and how drugs interact with these channels; contributing significantly to our understanding of the molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmias. In recognition of his expertise in this area he has been invited to sit on […]

Professor Patrick Tam

Patrick Tam is a world leader in the study of mammalian development and his scientific achievement has put Australia on the global map of developmental biology. He pioneered the application of experimental embryology and genome editing to elucidate the cellular and molecular architecture of the basic body plan. His work has contributed to the construction […]

Professor Tania Sorrell

Professor Sorrell was integral to establishing Infectious Diseases as a specialty of internal medicine in Australia. She is recognised internationally for research in the lethal fungal disease,  cryptococcosis, development of new fungal diagnostics and education/training in clinical mycology/research. She has held NHMRC grants in since 1990s. She serves/served on NHMRC Research and Ethics Committees; project, […]

Professor Robert (John) Simes

Professor John Simes has a long, distinguished career in clinical trials research, playing a lead role in many major clinical trials impacting on future global clinical practice. As Director of the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre he has co-led a team of researchers collaborating on over 100 multicentre trials and 70,000 patients. He is also Director […]

Professor Christopher Semsarian

As a clinician scientist, understanding the genetic basis of cardiovascular disease has been the cornerstone of my research endeavours. Using an integrated translational approach in human families, murine models, and cell culture systems, my research has elucidated the genetic causes of cardiomyopathies and sudden death, identified key signalling pathways involved in development of disease, and […]

Professor Perminder Sachdev

Perminder Sachdev is an internationally-recognised authority and leader in the field of neuropsychiatry. His research contributions to our understanding of drug-induced movement disorders, in particular akathisia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and the cerebrovascular basis of cognitive impairment and dementia, most especially vascular dementia and small vessel disease, have been groundbreaking. His most recent focus on […]

Professor Bruce Neal

Professor Neal is an internationally recognised expert in the field of salt reduction. He is also an authority in the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials evaluating new therapies for people with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. His clinical research has influenced the medical management of millions around the world and his […]

Professor Geoffrey McCaughan

Professor G.W. McCaughan is a national / international leader in Liver pathobiology and Clinical Liver transplantation/Hepatology. He has Hirsch Index of 60 / 68 (Scopus / Google) and has over 420 peer-reviewed published manuscripts. Achievements include the cloning of several human genes, understanding the cellular / molecular basis of liver transplant tolerance and liver diseases […]

Professor Christopher Maher

Professor Maher is an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and founding director of the George Institute’s Musculoskeletal Division. He is an international leader in the back pain field and in the physiotherapy profession. He has 419 publications, ~$17.5M in funding and 28 PhD completions. His back pain research has shaped contemporary practice (137 citations across 43 […]

Professor Stephen MacMahon

Stephen MacMahon is Principal Director and founder of The George Institute for Global Health a Sydney-based research centre now ranked among the top ten research institutions worldwide for impact (Scimago 2011-2014) For his research on the management of  cardiovascular diseases, MacMahon has received many awards from learned societies worldwide. He holds professorial appointments at the […]

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