Fellowship ​

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences elects the best and brightest minds in the field of medical and health sciences as Fellows.

Fellows are elected in recognition of their outstanding achievements and exceptional contributions to the sector. The Fellowship are acknowledged for their clinical, non-clinical, leadership, industry and research contributions.

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To find Fellows of our Academy either use the search form below or download the full list of current Fellows here.






Professor and Director, Department of Allergy, Immunology & Respiratory Medicine
Monash University and Alfred Hospital

Professor Robyn O’Hehir is internationally acclaimed as a key researcher in allergy. Over 25 years, she invented and established the feasibility of cloning allergen-specific T cells to define T-cell epitopes. This research has translated into practical immunotherapy for house dust mite and pollen aeroallergens, and soon for peanut allergy, all progressing in trials or to the clinic. As a respiratory physician, she has pioneered use of the natural anti-inflammatory follistatin in cystic fibrosis. She was the first adult physician to hold a full Professorship in allergy in Australia, is a Life Governor of Asthma Victoria, and has 225 publications with over 10,000 career citations.

Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne

Professor Kathryn North AM is Director of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the David Danks Professor of Child Health Research at the University of Melbourne.

Professor North is trained as a paediatric physician, neurologist and clinical geneticist and in 1994, was awarded a doctorate from the University of Sydney for research into Neurogenetics. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Harvard Genetics Program. Her previous positions include the Douglas Burrows Professor of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney (2004-2012) and Head of the Institute for Neuroscience and Muscle Research (2008-2012). Her laboratory research interests focus on the molecular basis of inherited muscle disorders – particularly the muscular dystrophies and congenital myopathies – as well as genes which influence normal skeletal muscle function and elite athletic performance. Her clinical research focuses on clinical trials of therapies for muscular dystrophy as well as the development of interventions for children with learning disabilities.

Professor North has received a number of awards for her research including the Sunderland Award from the Australian Neuroscience Society (2000). the Sutherland Lecturership by the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (2008), the GSK Australia Award for Research Excellence (2011), the Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical Research (2012) and the Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to medicine in the field of neuromuscular and neurogenetics research (2012). In 2012, Professor North was appointed Chair of the NHMRC Research Committee and Member of NHMRC Council and in 2014 was appointed Vice Chair of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, an international consortium of more than 200 institutions promoting the sharing of genomic and clinical data.

Professor of Reproductive and Periconceptual Medicine
The University of Adelaide

Professor Robert Norman’s research is in the area of reproductive health and medicine. He specialises in health around the time of conception and has initiated and led one of the most successful groups in the world in the area of paediatrics and reproductive health through the University’s Robinson Research Institute. He has won several international awards as well as being Scientist of the Year in South Australia and appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in 2013. His research has been cited more than 28,000 times and he has more than 450 peer-reviewed publications. He is an active subspecialist in reproductive medicine.

Director, MonashHeart; Director, Victorian Heart Institute
Monash University

Professor Nicholls’ research career spans the translational spectrum from fundamental laboratory discoveries, study of patients and clinical trials that have had a major impact on the clinical practice of cardiology. He has an internationally regarded expert in the fields of lipoproteins, atherosclerosis, plaque imaging and cardiology clinical trials. His major contributions include elucidating the factors influencing the functionality of high density lipoproteins, understanding the factors influencing plaque progression and regression and the leadership of clinical trials of novel therapies. His work has a major impact on international treatment guidelines for the management of lipid disorders and in the evaluation of novel therapies.

Director, Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
Monash University and Alfred Hospital

Paul Myles is Professor/Director of the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at the Alfred Hospital and Monash University, Melbourne. He is an NHMRC Practitioner Fellow, a member of the Research Committee of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, an Editor of the British Journal of Anaesthesia, an Editorial Consultant for The Lancet, and an editorial board member of three other journals. He has published more than 200 papers, and been awarded more than 22 NHMRC grants totalling more than $25 million. His research interests include patient quality of recovery, avoidance of postoperative complications, and large multicentre trials in anaesthesia.

Director Critical Care & Trauma Division
St George Hospital, University of New South Wales, The George Institute for Global Health

Over a 25-year career, Professor John Myburgh AO has been instrumental in developing, expanding and consolidating academic and medical science in Australia through outstanding contributions to education and research.

He is recognised as a leading clinician-researcher in Intensive care medicine, through the establishment of national and international research networks that have conducted trials that have had a substantive impact on patients.

He was instrumental in establishing the College of Intensive Care Medicine and continues to educate and mentor clinicians. For these achievements, he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for distinguished service to medicine in 2014.

Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Monash University

Professor Christina Mitchell is a physician scientist who has made major contributions to the field of intracellular signalling and haematology. Her work has concentrated on the regulation of phosphoinositide signalling by the inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases. She has taught the molecular basis of human diseases and haematology to science, biomedical and medical students at Monash University and has played a major role in research leadership, building research teams, and infrastructure. She is currently Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences Monash University.

Chief Scientist for South Australia
Department for Innovation and Skills South Australia

Professor McMillen has an international record of distinction in the field of development. Her work has demonstrated how the nutritional environment of the embryo and fetus impacts on health before and after birth. Her work has been funded by the NHMRC and ARC for more than 20 years, her publications have been cited 5,400 times and she has received invitations to present at >75 conferences. She inspires students and staff to deliver innovation in research and education and has contributed to the work of institutions, governments and professional bodies to ensure great science supports better health for all Australians.

Executive Director, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research
The University of Queensland

Professor John McGrath’s research aims to explore nongenetic risk factors for schizophrenia. He has forged productive cross-disciplinary collaborations linking risk factor epidemiology with developmental neurobiology. He has won several national and international awards including the Premier’s Award for Medical Research (ASMR). In 2007 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM). In 2013 he was awarded a prestigious John Cade Fellowship, by the NHMRC. His research is highly cited (H = 74, over 21,000 cites). He is a member of the NHMRC Research Committee and the Australian Health Ethics Committee. He is a Director of Research Australia.

About Fellowship with AAHMS

Our Fellows sit at the heart of everything we do. They represent Australia’s leading minds in health and medical sciences, having been recognised for their clinical, non-clinical, leadership, industry and research contributions.

To be considered for election to the Academy’s Fellowship, a candidate must show exceptional professional achievement in a field related to health and/or medicine.

Fellows contribute to the projects and activities of the Academy and must be willing to be active participants.

Successful Fellowship candidates will have shown:

  • Outstanding leadership in their field.
  • Significant and ongoing involvement with issues of health care, prevention of disease, education, research, and health services policy and delivery.

Candidates for Fellowship should meet the following criteria:

  • National and International recognition for excellence in health and medical science
  • Significant, sustained and ongoing contributions to advance health and medical science in Australia (relative to opportunity)
  • Contribution to the profession through leadership and mentorship
  • Raised public understanding and promoting health and medical science in the broader community

Download criteria for Fellowship

Each year, current Fellows of the Academy are invited to nominate up to four new candidates who meet the criteria and fulfil the required expectations.

To ensure the Academy has a representative and diverse membership, Fellows nominating two new candidates are asked to include only a maximum of one man, and Fellows nominating four new candidates are asked to include only a maximum of two men.

How to make a nomination

Fellows wishing to nominate a candidate for Fellowship should contact the secretariat by 24 November each year to confirm candidate eligibility and receive and instructions on how to submit the completed nomination documentation online. Nomination requests received past this deadline will not be considered in the current election round.

Fellows wishing to nominate a candidate for a Corresponding Fellowship should contact the secretariat for more information.

Secretariat contact details
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07 3102 7220

Nomination guidelines for ordinary Fellowship

18 September – 24 November

Existing Fellows are invited to submit a request to start a new nomination until 24 November 2024.

30 November
Deadline for submitting the full nomination and supporting material.

Nominations allocated to Selection Committees.

January – April
Referees’ reports sought.

Early May
Selection Committees meet to consider nominations and provide final recommendations to the Council.

Council meets to finalise recommendations.

Late July
Full Fellowship invited to comment on recommended new fellows.

Election results are shared with proposers and candidates (under embargo).

Newly elected Fellows are inducted at the Annual Meeting.

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