Fellowship ​

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences elects the best and brightest minds in the field of medical and health sciences as Fellows.

Fellows are elected in recognition of their outstanding achievements and exceptional contributions to the sector. The Fellowship are acknowledged for their clinical, non-clinical, leadership, industry and research contributions.

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To find Fellows of our Academy either use the search form below or download the full list of current Fellows here.






Emeritus Professor
John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University

Professor Simon Foote was appointed as Director of the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University in November 2014. His prime research interests are in the areas of infectious disease, specifically malaria, where his team is developing new antimalarials using a genetics approach. He has worked on the genetics of numerous diseases including Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer and leads a team who are trying to understand the genetics of indigenous glomerulonephropathy.

Professor Foote obtained his medical degree in 1984 at the University of Melbourne and in 1989 completed his PhD in Molecular Genetics studying the genetic basis of drug resistance of the malarial parasite. He worked at the Genome Center at the Whitehead Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he produced the first physical map of a human chromosome and then a map of the entire human genome. He returned to Australia where he headed the Genetics and Bioinformatics Division at the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, was the Director of the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania, University of Tasmania from 2005 to 2011, and the Dean of the Australian School of Advanced Medicine at Macquarie University from 2012 – 2014.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research)
The University of New South Wales

Professor Fisk has a sustained record of clinical innovation as an obstetrician/fetal medicine specialist. He has pioneered significant advances in understanding fetoplacental disease and its treatment including characterising early human fetal stem cell populations, documenting “fetal pain” and its blockade by opioid analgesia, and unravelling the vascular basis of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Professor Fisk has a longstanding record of leadership advancing the health and medical profession, and is strongly committed to community outreach and engagement. In a professorial career spanning more than 20 years, Professor Fisk has lectured widely in clinical education fora and advocated strongly for national/state guideline development.

Special Adviser to the Australian Government on Low Emissions Technology; Chair, Technology Investment Advisory Council
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

As Chancellor of Monash University and President of ATSE, Professor Alan Finkel actively promotes education and research in the broadest sense including the substantial medical research endeavour at the University. As a research neuroscientist then businessman Alan developed advanced voltage clamp, patch clamp, data acquisition and imaging systems that contributed to the worldwide benefits from cellular electrophysiology and drug discovery, and medical devices for monitoring and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. Alan is the founder of the Australian Course in Advanced Neuroscience, a former Board Member of the Florey Neuroscience Institutes and the Burnett Institute and a philanthropic donor to medical research.

Professor of Critical Care Medicine
The George Institute for Global Health and The University of Sydney

Professor Simon Finfer is recognised internationally for excellence as an innovative, researcher, educator, mentor and editor. He was a founding member of the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group; Chair from 2000 – 2004. He led research that has changed clinical practice around the world. He is a Guest Editor for The New England Journal of Medicine; Editor, Oxford Textbook of Critical Care; Critical Care Section Editor for The Oxford Textbook of Medicine (6th Ed.). He has established and direct The Australian Sepsis Network and have a global role in sepsis research through the Councils of the International Sepsis Forum and Global Sepsis Alliance.

Director, Clinical Translation and Advanced Education
Garvan Institute of Medical Research

Professor Eisman’s major contributions include the first clinical assay of active vitamin D, importance of vitamin D in cancer, then strong genetic determination of bone mass, identification of the first candidate gene and role in international osteoporosis GWAS. He demonstrated the importance of all fragility fractures in men and women, their relationship to premature death and treatment benefit on survival. He has established international consortia for better translation to health care. Recently he was awarded the senior, William F Neuman award of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research and is President-elect of the International Bone and Mineral Society.

Associate Dean Indigenous; Rowden-White Chair
The University of Melbourne

Professor Sandra Eades is Domain Head Aboriginal Health and Disadvantaged Communities at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute with key expertise in Indigenous child and adolescent health, Indigenous tobacco use and randomized controlled trials in Indigenous health. The Aboriginal Health Domain incorporates a national program of research and related activities with hubs in Melbourne, Alice Springs and Sydney. Professor Eades is a medical epidemiologist and completed her undergraduate medical training at the University of Newcastle and her PhD in epidemiology at the University of Western Australia through the Telethon Kids Institute. Professor Eades has previous research appointments with the Menzies School of Health Research and the Sax Institute in Sydney.

Professor Eades awards include in 2011 Centenary of International Women’s day – listed as one of 100 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who have achieved change in their communities by National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance; 2006 New South Wales Woman of the Year – International Women’s Day; 2003 Bulletin Magazine Smart 100 – Named at one of 10 Health section finalists.

Director, Health Program
Grattan Institute

Dr Stephen Duckett has made an exceptional contribution to health services research and health care delivery in Australia. He has held senior health care leadership positions in Australia and Canada, with a reputation for creativity, evidence-based innovation and reform in areas as diverse as hospital funding (introduction of activity-based funding for hospitals) and quality (new systems of measurement and accountability for safety of hospital care). Dr Duckett was responsible for the design and implementation of the first application of activity based funding of hospitals in Australia, in Victoria in 1993. Activity based funding as adopted nationally in 2010. This Victorian work provided the basis fo his international reputation.

Professor of Neurology
The University of Melbourne

The Director of The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health has demonstrated global leadership in research, health policy and implementation with over 400 research publications and h-index of 66. He has investigated stroke, its underlying mechanisms and conducted therapeutic trials with clinical translation. As President of the World Stroke Organisation (WSO) and founding Medical Director of the National Stroke Foundation he helped establish stroke as a National Health Priority and the WSO as the WHO lead agency. He has been an external assessor or advisor to international research organizations and the recipient of numerous national and international awards.

Director, Centre for Longitudinal and Life Course Research
The University of Queensland

Professor Dobson has contributed to health and medical science through the design and conduct of large-scale, long-running epidemiological studies that have improved understandings of population health issues, methodology of measurement and statistical analysis, and the education of future generations of expert biostatisticians. Her work includes leading Australia’s contribution to the world’s largest epidemiological study of coronary heart disease; the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health; the health of members of the Australian Defence Force who have deployed overseas. She was the first chair of the Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia, a consortium of universities that has graduated over 300 postgraduate biostatisticians.

About Fellowship with AAHMS

Our Fellows sit at the heart of everything we do. They represent Australia’s leading minds in health and medical sciences, having been recognised for their clinical, non-clinical, leadership, industry and research contributions.

To be considered for election to the Academy’s Fellowship, a candidate must show exceptional professional achievement in a field related to health and/or medicine.

Fellows contribute to the projects and activities of the Academy and must be willing to be active participants.

Successful Fellowship candidates will have shown:

  • Outstanding leadership in their field.
  • Significant and ongoing involvement with issues of health care, prevention of disease, education, research, and health services policy and delivery.

Candidates for Fellowship should meet the following criteria:

  • National and International recognition for excellence in health and medical science
  • Significant, sustained and ongoing contributions to advance health and medical science in Australia (relative to opportunity)
  • Contribution to the profession through leadership and mentorship
  • Raised public understanding and promoting health and medical science in the broader community

Download criteria for Fellowship

Each year, current Fellows of the Academy are invited to nominate up to four new candidates who meet the criteria and fulfil the required expectations.

To ensure the Academy has a representative and diverse membership, Fellows nominating two new candidates are asked to include only a maximum of one man, and Fellows nominating four new candidates are asked to include only a maximum of two men.

How to make a nomination

Fellows wishing to nominate a candidate for Fellowship should contact the secretariat by 24 November each year to confirm candidate eligibility and receive and instructions on how to submit the completed nomination documentation online. Nomination requests received past this deadline will not be considered in the current election round.

Fellows wishing to nominate a candidate for a Corresponding Fellowship should contact the secretariat for more information.

Secretariat contact details
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07 3102 7220

Nomination guidelines for ordinary Fellowship

October 2023
Newly elected Fellows of 2023 are inducted at the Annual Meeting.

18 September 2023- 30 November 2023
Nominations are invited from existing Fellows until the closing date of 30 November.

December 2023
Nominations allocated to Selection Committees.

January – April 2024
Referees’ reports sought.

Early May 2024
Selection Committees meet to consider nominations and provide final recommendations to the Council.

Early-to-mid-July 2024
Council meets to finalise recommendations.

Late July 2024
Full Fellowship invited to comment on recommended new fellows.

August 2024
Election results are shared with proposers and candidates (under embargo).

October 2024
Newly elected Fellows of 2024 inducted at the Annual Meeting.

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