Fellowship ​

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences elects the best and brightest minds in the field of medical and health sciences as Fellows.

Fellows are elected in recognition of their outstanding achievements and exceptional contributions to the sector. The Fellowship are acknowledged for their clinical, non-clinical, leadership, industry and research contributions.

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To find Fellows of our Academy either use the search form below or download the full list of current Fellows here.






Director, Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research, Head, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences
Deakin University

For over 30 years David Crawford has conducted innovative research focused on improving population health behaviours, with a focus on nutrition, physical activity and obesity. He and his team have conducted a number of intervention trials to improve health behaviours and prevent obesity, with some of these currently being rolled out as part of Victoria’s prevention agenda.  He has played leadership roles in the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, and as Director of Deakin University’s Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition Research where he has mentored many early career researchers who have gone on to build successful research careers.


Director of Cancer Services and Professor of Medicine
Northern Sydney Local Health District, University of Sydney

Professor Stephen Clarke is Director of Cancer Services in Northern Sydney Local Health District and Professor of Medicine at the University of Sydney. He is an established clinician and translational cancer researcher in thoracic and gastrointestinal malignancies. He is Head of the NSW State Committee of the RACP and Oncology Advisor to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and a member of the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Review Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committees of the National Institute of Complementary Medicine and Australasian GI Tumour Group. He received an OAM in 2011 and the Eric Susman Prize for Translational Research (RACP) in 2013.

Sir Hugh Devine Professor of Surgery; Head, Department of Surgery, St Vincent’s Hospital
University of Melbourne

Professor Peter Choong is an internationally recognised orthopaedic surgeon and leader in musculoskeletal research who is engaged in clinical and basic science research that covers the fields of musculoskeletal tumours, joint replacement and advanced limb reconstruction. Peter is widely published with over 260 peer-reviewed articles (H score 37) in these areas and is a recipient of recurrent NHMRC, ARC and other grant support for his work. He has been awarded the John Mitchell Crouch Fellowship (2008) which is the most prestigious research award made by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons to a Fellow who in the opinion of the College Council, is making an outstanding contribution to the advancement of surgery, or to fundamental scientific research in the field. Peter has also been awarded the Ivins Visiting Professorship (2003) and the Coventry Visiting Professorship (2014) from the Mayo Clinic. These represent the two most prestigious awards in Orthopaedics at the Mayo Clinic. Peter has served continuously on a committee or Board of the AOA since 1996 (President 2013-14) and has held the roles of Chair of the Victorian Board of Studies, Chair of the Federal Training Committee, Scientific Secretary, RACS Chair of The Board of Orthopaedics, RACS Chair of the Victorian State Committee and Chair of the Victorian Orthopaedic Trust Scientific Advisory Group. Peter has also been programme director of surgery and Chief Medical Officer at St. Vincent’s Hospital.

Director, Renal Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; Stream Director, Renal Medicine and Urology, Sydney Local Health District
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Professor Chadban received the University Medal in Medicine at Newcastle, gained his FRACP in Nephrology, PhD at Monash and Post-doc at Cambridge University, UK. He ran the Transplantation Program at Monash 1999–2002 then moved to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, as a Senior-Staff Nephrologist, Head of Kidney Transplantation, and Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) Sydney University. He is President-elect of the TSANZ, executive of ANZDATA and Heads the Kidney Node, Charles Perkins Centre, USyd, leading teams in macrophages and innate immunity, clinical transplantation, diabetes and CKD, and transplantation epidemiology. He lectures extensively, advises Government, and has 185 publications, H-index 42.

Director, Priority Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing
The University of Newcastle

Professor Byles is recognised both nationally and internationally for her exceptional leadership and outstanding contribution to public health, women’s health and ageing research. Her work includes examining the role of health services, preventive activities and treatments which maintain quality of life over the life course, determining physical, psychological and social factors associated with optimal physical and mental health of men and women, and developing and evaluating health promotion and health care innovations for older people. As a founding investigator and a Director of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, she has provided a powerful evidence base for policy development and evaluation and has contributed greatly to health care research.

Professor of Precision and Molecular Pathology; Director, MRC/EPSRC Molecular Pathology Node
Newcastle University, UK

Professor Alastair Burt has a strong international reputation for research into liver disease, leadership in diagnostic hepatopathology, and medical education and administration. His innovative research into hepatic stellate cell responses to injury led to a paradigm shift in concepts of progressive liver disease and the development of cirrhosis. He has played a key role in developing non-invasive markers of fibrosis and advancing disease and is regarded as an international expert in liver biopsy interpretation, editing the major international textbook in this field. He previously held senior leadership roles at Newcastle University in the UK and in the UK NHS. He is Executive Dean at the University of Adelaide.

Emeritus Director and Distinguished Scientist
Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Monash University

Henry Burger is a clinician-scientist who has made major contributions to general and reproductive endocrinology. He was a co-leader of the group which successfully isolated inhibin. He showed that it had an important clinical role in the diagnosis and monitoring of ovarian malignancy. He defined the role of inhibin in the endocrinology of the menopausal transition and menopause. For more than 30 years, he has been a leader in menopause management, particularly in promoting the efficacy and safety of postmenopausal hormone therapy. He has received numerous international and national awards and has published more than 600 papers.

Director, Monash-Cabrini Department of Musculoskeletal Health and Clinical Epidemiology
Cabrini Health

Rachelle Buchbinder is a rheumatologist and clinical epidemiologist who combines clinical practice with research in a wide range of multidisciplinary projects relating to arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. She has made seminal and original contributions to the field, with a strong emphasis on answering clinically important questions to improve patient care and outcomes. She has published over 330 papers, received more than $15.7mill in research funding, inspired the next generation of clinician-scientists and been recognised with prestigious international and national awards. She consistently advocates for the need to reduce research wastage and improve uptake of evidence into practice and policy.

Co-Director, Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA)
UNSW Sydney

Professor Brodaty understands health and medical research from the inside, the consumer view, and the big picture (as member of 2013 McKeon Review). He founded and led old age psychiatry in Australia and internationally. Academically he is pre-eminent: in psychogeriatrics as Australia’s most published researcher; in dementia among the top researchers in Australia and internationally (with translational and clinical emphases). His outstanding community involvement includes president/chair previously of Alzheimer’s Disease International, Alzheimer’s Australia, Alzheimer’s NSW and now International Psychogeriatric Association and NHMRC KT Dementia Committee; and 30 years membership of state and federal committees advancing mental health of older people.

Alfred Deakin Professor of Psychiatry, Deakin University and Barwon Health; Director, Institute for Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation (IMPACT)
Deakin University

Michael Berk’s primary career focus is a novel therapy discovery program. His earlier work repurposed existing medications for novel indications, but more recently he has been developing therapies targeting novel mechanisms of action. The significance of this can be seen in the broader context. Not only are these entirely new therapies for psychiatric disorders, but by extension, they cement our understanding of the role of these mechanisms, principally oxidative and inflammatory pathways in the pathogenesis of these disorders. This understanding opens leads to other agents working on related pathways being discovered. As agents under study are largely already available, off patent and cheap, barriers to implementation and translation are minimal, facilitating clinical utilisation. Importantly, findings from most of the highlighted studies appear in leading global treatment guidelines, impacting treatment worldwide.

About Fellowship with AAHMS

Our Fellows sit at the heart of everything we do. They represent Australia’s leading minds in health and medical sciences, having been recognised for their clinical, non-clinical, leadership, industry and research contributions.

To be considered for election to the Academy’s Fellowship, a candidate must show exceptional professional achievement in a field related to health and/or medicine.

Fellows contribute to the projects and activities of the Academy and must be willing to be active participants.

Successful Fellowship candidates will have shown:

  • Outstanding leadership in their field.
  • Significant and ongoing involvement with issues of health care, prevention of disease, education, research, and health services policy and delivery.

Candidates for Fellowship should meet the following criteria:

  • National and International recognition for excellence in health and medical science
  • Significant, sustained and ongoing contributions to advance health and medical science in Australia (relative to opportunity)
  • Contribution to the profession through leadership and mentorship
  • Raised public understanding and promoting health and medical science in the broader community

Download criteria for Fellowship

Each year, current Fellows of the Academy are invited to nominate up to four new candidates who meet the criteria and fulfil the required expectations.

To ensure the Academy has a representative and diverse membership, Fellows nominating two new candidates are asked to include only a maximum of one man, and Fellows nominating four new candidates are asked to include only a maximum of two men.

How to make a nomination

Fellows wishing to nominate a candidate for Fellowship should contact the secretariat by 24 November each year to confirm candidate eligibility and receive and instructions on how to submit the completed nomination documentation online. Nomination requests received past this deadline will not be considered in the current election round.

Fellows wishing to nominate a candidate for a Corresponding Fellowship should contact the secretariat for more information.

Secretariat contact details
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07 3102 7220

Nomination guidelines for ordinary Fellowship

18 September – 24 November

Existing Fellows are invited to submit a request to start a new nomination until 24 November 2024.

30 November
Deadline for submitting the full nomination and supporting material.

Nominations allocated to Selection Committees.

January – April
Referees’ reports sought.

Early May
Selection Committees meet to consider nominations and provide final recommendations to the Council.

Council meets to finalise recommendations.

Late July
Full Fellowship invited to comment on recommended new fellows.

Election results are shared with proposers and candidates (under embargo).

Newly elected Fellows are inducted at the Annual Meeting.

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