Panel: Victorian early and mid-career clinician-scientists share their stories (2019)
Discover how our early and mid-career panel members got into research, the challenges and successes they have encountered and what motivates them. The panel included: Dr Sarah Price; Associate Professor Peiro Perucca; Associate Professor Sebastian King; and Dr Sylvie Picker Minh. This panel discussion was part of the LACS event in Victoria in 2019 and […]
Professor Hugh Taylor : My life as a clinician-scientist (2019)
Professor Hugh Taylor wants you to think about how much we don’t know – and to open your mind up to addressing those unknowns. There are many opportunities to do so as a clinician-scientist. He is an ophthalmologist, speaking in Melbourne in 2019.
Professor Sharon Lewin: HIV, infectious diseases and beyond (2019)
Clinician-scientists can make a difference during times of great change – you may have no idea what might unfold in your career, but that’s the excitement of medicine and science. Infectious diseases expert Professor Sharon Lewin speaks in Melbourne in 2019.
Professor Jamie Cooper: Science and patient care synergise in intensive care (2019)
Professor Jamie Cooper speaks at the 2019 Victorian Life as a Clinician-Scientist event.
Professor Sandra Eades: Through the eyes of one of Australia’s first Indigenous clinician-scientists (2019)
Look through the eyes of one of Australia’s first Indigenous clinician-scientists as Sandra Eades outlines the ups and downs of Indigenous health, general practice and population health research. She is a Noongar physician, researcher and professor, speaking in Melbourne in 2019.
Professor Grant McArthur: Why communication matters (2019)
Professor Grant McArthur thinks communicating with patients and patient communities is one of the most important skills for a clinician-scientist. He is an oncologist, speaking in Melbourne in 2019.