Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences statement supporting the Voice to Parliament

Later this year, Australia will vote on a proposed law to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. The Academy supports the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience a greater burden […]
Experts to contribute to Long COVID and Repeated Infections Inquiry

How can you receive quality healthcare for an illness if there isn’t a clear definition of what that illness is? This is one of many issues the country’s leading experts will address during a roundtable discussion at Parliament House in Canberra on 17 February 2023, to inform the Inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID […]
Meet four emerging health research stars- our newest mentees for 2023

Four emerging research leaders with expertise in genomics, psychology, epidemiology and nephrology have joined our competitive Mentorship Program. Selected from a pool of applicants across Australia, these health and medical research stars will be paired with a mentor from the AAHMS Fellowship to support their career and leadership development. Mentees become Associate Members of the […]
The Academy welcomes our new Fellows for 2022

Infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, oncologists, a clinical biostatistician, a broadcast journalist, a senior barrister, and a former Academy Mentee are among the 31 health leaders who will be announced as Fellows of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences at a ceremony in Melbourne this evening. Each year, the Fellowship elects the best and […]
Our vision to integrate research in the health system

Australia’s health and medical science leaders have today released a comprehensive plan to transform healthcare by better integrating research and health. The report, Research and innovation as core functions in transforming the health system: a vision for the future of health in Australia, released today by the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences outlines […]
Health Horizons Forum to explore future of health

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, in partnership with Saltire Capital Partners, is launching a series of roundtables to explore the future of health, research and innovation in Australia. The 2023 Health Horizons Forum will bring together stakeholders from across the Australian health sector, government, research, innovation and industry to explore future opportunities […]