Life as a Clinician-Scientist: 2021 Victorian event

Junior doctors, medical students and early-career researchers were encouraged to pursue a path in research at the recent Victorian Life as a Clinician-Scientist symposium. Experts from a diverse range of fields such as surgery, epidemiology, haematology and paediatrics shared advice on how to get the most from a career as a clinician-scientist. Clinician-scientists follow a […]

Learned Academies support Uluru Statement

The Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) has announced its support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and its commitment to a journey of change between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the research sector for an inclusive and a shared positive future. As ACOLA’s newest member, the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences […]

Meet our new mentees

The Academy is pleased to welcome eight talented new mentees to our Mentorship Program, including experts in bioethics, neuroscience and immunology. Mentees become Associate Members of the Academy for the next three years, contributing to our work, including our policy projects, events and programs. The Mentorship Committee competitively selects mentees from applicants across Australia, looking […]

Life as a Clinician-Scientist – New South Wales

Online Join us online to hear insights and perspectives about career and the future of health from some of New South Wales’ leading clinician-scientists. Do you want to push the boundaries of knowledge as part of your career in medicine or health? And take what you learn at the bedside to change and improve health […]

Learned Academies and ARDC partner for data excellence

Australia’s Learned Academies will be working together with the Australia Research Data Commons (ARDC) on a joint project designed to map how big data is used in research. The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences will join the Australian Academy of Science, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Australian Academy of the Humanities, Academy […]

AAHMS submission: NHMRC consultation on the draft guide for Research Integrity Advisors

AAHMS welcomes the development of a guide for Research Integrity Advisors. In this submission, we have provided specific feedback on the guide, highlighting the need for further clarification regarding training and the RIA’s role in reporting matters relating to the Code. The National Health and Medical Research Council called for feedback on a new draft […]

July newsletter

“The status of a Learned Academy will ensure we are able to serve the nation in bringing scientific evidence from health and medical research to bear on pressing national issues, and help grow and inspire the next generation of Australian research and innovation leaders.”– AAHMS President Professor Ingrid Scheffer. Welcome to our July newsletter. In […]

New Learned Academy status recognises the critical role of the AAHMS to Australia

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS) has become Australia’s fifth and newest Learned Academy, confirming its critical role in advocating for the nation’s health. Academy President Professor Ingrid Scheffer said AAHMS was founded in 2014, and recently established as a Learned Academy under the Higher Education Support Act. The Academy’s work was […]

Academy Fellows honoured

Congratulations to all of today’s recipients of the Queen’s Birthday Honours, which recognise excellence across Australia. Ten Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences Fellows were among those acknowledged for their outstanding contributions. The Academy warmly congratulations our Fellows on this recognition of their achievements. Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) Professor Adrian Bauman […]

Five AAHMS Fellows elected to the Academy of Science

Five AAHMS Fellows have been elected to the Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Science in 2021, with expertise spanning biomedical engineering neuroscience and microbiology. Each year, the Australian Academy of Science elects national leaders in the scientific community to join their Fellowship, recognising their outstanding achievements. AAHMS would like to warmly congratulate the new […]

AAHMS analysis: 2021-22 Federal Budget

Read more on highlights from the 2021 Federal Budget for health and medical research: 1.  Summary 2.  Policy priority areas – new measures COVID-19 and pandemic response Climate change and health Research in the health system Workforce 3.  Health and medical research funding MRFF NHMRC ARC 4.  New measures for health, research and infrastructure Mental […]

QLD branch meeting

QIMR Berghofer Queensland Academy Fellows and Associate Members are invited to attend an in-person and online event, to be held at QIMR Berghofer. Queensland’s Deputy Chief Health Officer and Chair of the Communicable Disease Network of Australia Dr Sonya Bennett will speak on “Responding to the pandemic at a national and state public health level”. […]

Life as a Clinician-Scientist, Victoria

Monash University, room G81 (Ground Floor, 19 Ancora Imparo Way)   Registrations have now closed. This event is strictly ticketed and only registered eligible ticket holders may attend in person. COVID guidelines will be followed at this event, including mask-wearing. Find information about current Victorian COVID-19 restrictions here, or download a restrictions table here. This […]

Life as a Clinician-Scientist: 2021 Queensland event

Passion and persistence are the key to pursing a career as a clinician scientist, according to a panel of experts at the Academy’s recent Life as a Clinician Scientist event. Clinician scientists bring together the fields of clinical medicine and scientific research, and are typically clinically trained health professionals who also include research as a […]

Vaccines only part of the pandemic puzzle

Australia’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic requires more than just vaccines, with yesterday’s changes to the planned vaccine rollout again highlighting the need to maintain a broad-base approach to managing the pandemic. Professor Ingrid Scheffer, President of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, said that the Australian Government had followed expert medical advice […]

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