Submission to the ARC review consultation
In December 2022, the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences provided a submission to the Department of Education’s review of the Australian Research Council (ARC). The ARC plays an important role in Australian research and this consultation is part of an ongoing, independent review into the ARC to develop legislation to provide clarity on objectives and processes within the organisation to meet current and future needs.
Submission to the Treasury’s Employment White Paper consultation
In November 2022, the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences provided a submission to the Australian Government Treasury’s Employment White Paper consultation outlining key workforce issues in health and medical research.
Submission to Australian Government inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections
In November 2022, The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences provided a joint submission with the Australian Academy of Sceince to the House of Representative’s Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport inquiry into Long COVID and Repeated COVID infections.
Submission to Australian Data Strategy consultation
The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS) has provided a submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on the Australian Data Strategy focused on challenges and opportunities specific to health, medicine, research and innovation.
AAHMS submission: Response to the Parliamentary inquiry into the use of primates and other animals in medical research in New South Wales
In March 2022, the Academy made a submission into the NSW Parliamentary inquiry into the use of primates and other animals in medical research. The use of animals is crucial in many areas of health and medical research—including research undertaken in NSW—and has contributed to important advances in human and animal health. This work is […]
AAHMS submission: Response to Future Focused Primary Health Care: Australia’s Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan 2022- 2032
The Academy has highlighted the need for a greater focus on research to be included in the Department of Health’s draft ten-year plan for primary health care.
AAHMS Submission: Response to the Medical Research Future Fund Strategy and Priorities consultation
In a recent submission, the Academy recommends that the new MRFF Strategy should set the expectation for the fund to support a strategic approach to embedding research in the health system, including better sustainability for the medical research workforce. The Australian Government Department of Health and the Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB) invited submissions […]
AAHMS Submission: Senate Inquiry into the Investment Funds Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
The Academy has responded to the Senate Inquiry into the Investment Funds Legislation Amendment Bill 2021, providing feedback on the sections of the bill that affect operation of the Medical Research Future Fund. While supportive of the broad intentions to streamline fund operations, the Academy recommends that several risks are addressed to better protect health […]
AAHMS submission: NHMRC consultation on the draft guide for Research Integrity Advisors
AAHMS welcomes the development of a guide for Research Integrity Advisors. In this submission, we have provided specific feedback on the guide, highlighting the need for further clarification regarding training and the RIA’s role in reporting matters relating to the Code. The National Health and Medical Research Council called for feedback on a new draft guide for Research […]
AAHMS Submission: NHMRC consultation on proposed revisions to the Open Access Policy and Further Guidance
The Academy supports the NHMRC’s move towards a more open access publishing environment in Australia. However, to best support researchers, there is a need for a considered approach to the way this is achieved. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is consulting with the health and medical research sector on proposed changes […]
AAHMS submission: response to the DESE consultation on developing a university research commercialisation scheme
The Academy supports the principle of a government-backed scheme for early-stage commercialisation of research, however, care needs to be taken in the scheme design to ensure that Australia is getting the most for that investment. In a recent submission to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment consultation on developing a University Research Commercialisation (URC) […]
Joint submission: Response to the Australian Government’s consultation on mitochondrial donation in Australia
In February 2021, the Australian Government Department of Health invited feedback on their proposal to legalising mitochondrial donation in Australia through a staged approach. The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences and the Australian Academy of Science submitted a joint response to this consultation. In this submission, the Academies: supported the Australian Government’s cautious […]
2021/22 Pre-Budget submission
In January 2021, in response to the Government’s call for submissions for the 2021-22 Budget, the Academy has highlighted the importance of an adaptable, skilled and responsive research and innovation sector working in concert with government, industry and the community. Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its success in maintaining low case numbers and […]
Pre-Budget submission 2020-2021
The Academy’s submission ahead of the 2020-2021 Federal Budget, submitted in August 2020, highlighted Australia’s opportunity to build on its strong legacy of fostering a vibrant health and medical research environment. Our response showed the important role that research and innovation can play in driving economic and societal recovery from COVID-19, and stressed the need […]
Submission: lessons learnt from the bushfire season 2019/20
In April 2020, AAHMS submitted a response to a consultation from the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee on the lessons learnt from the bushfire season 2019/20.
Joint submission on National Health Information Strategy
On 3 April 2020, the submitted a joint response with the Australian Academy of Science to the consultation on the National Health Information Strategy (NHIS). The response emphasised the following opportunities and issues: Nurturing an academic base in the disciplines of biostatistics and epidemiology is key to help produce scientific evidence from the data that […]
Submission to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements
AAHMS published its submission to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements on 9 April 2020.
Joint response to NHMRC consultation on mitochondrial donation
In November 2019 the Academy submitted a joint consultation response with the Australian Academy of Science to an NHMRC consultation on mitochondrial donation. The Academies expressed support for introducing mitochondrial donation in a cautious and carefully regulated way, initially limiting the technology to an appropriate clinical research setting. There are a range of safety, ethical, […]
Artificial Intelligence: Australia’s Ethics Framework- AAHMS submission
In May 2019, the Academy responded to the public consultation by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science on ‘Artificial Intelligence: Australia’s Ethics Framework‘. The consultation discussion paper, prepared by CSIRO’s Data61, provided an ethical framework and a set of principles, intended to lay the groundwork for the ethical implementation of AI in Australia. Application […]
NHMRC consultation on Research Supervision Guide- AAHMS submission
In May 2019, the Academy responded to the National Health and Medical Research Council consultation on the Research Supervision guide of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018). The Academy welcomed the publication of this guide document and the opportunity to comment on the consultation. We believe that responsible conduct and research […]